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Monday, September 14, 2015

Airports and Murder | The Destruction of America as a God fearing nation

See: Sherman Skolnick's Report

POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS AT L.A. AIRPORT, Part One by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/4/02

by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/4/02

From time to time, details will be added to this series of stories, as they develop.

Two witnesses, useful for Israeli intelligence, were assassinated at Los Angeles International Airport. This occurred on America's Independence Day near the ticket counter of theState of Israel's airline, El Al.

Some background.

===A serious, if not violent, split has occurred in The Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. Some want to continue the reality required to finance the tiny nation that perceives itself surrounded by mortal enemies who want to destroy Israel. In the early 1990s, when Israel, as persistently happens, was short of funds, they did what comes natural. They blackmailed Daddy Bush, at the time U.S. President. They knew about his treasonous arrangement to put the Reagan/Bush ticket, ahead of incumbent Jimmy Carter, into office in 1980. Called "The October Surprise", witnessed by Israeli intelligence in a Paris suburb, it involved Daddy Bush's treacherous dealings with Iran to delay release of the 52 U.S. Embassy hostages. Bush the Elder coughed up with a grant of 20 Billion Dollars for Israel.

Blackmailing Bush, Jr., currently the occupant and resident of the White House, installed by a "Gang of Five" on the U.S. Supreme Court, is another reality event for Israel. Because of the fighting with the Palestinians, Israel's once booming tourist trade has come to an end. Twisting the arm of both Daddy Bush and Junior is one way of coming up with the money for Israel's survival, including finances for their military defense.

===Shortly after 9-11, Black Tuesday, we posted a controversial story, not at the time well understood or received, that Israeli intelligence supplied the Bush White House with accurate prior data of what was to become the attack on lower Manhattan and the Pentagon. Supported by a split off faction of the aristocracy and a Fascist element in the U.S. Military, Bushfraud, as we call him, did not want to know. Daddy Bush was in charge of the prior knowledge situation. Among other tell-tale happenings, thanks to Daddy Bush, there was a U.S. Military stand-down on that bloody morning. Military airplanes were grounded.

===The Mossad, split by internal struggles, has documented details showing treason at the highest level of the U.S. Government. One Mossad faction wants to continue getting big funds from the White House by blackmail. An opposing faction, wants to expose, once and for all, Bushfraud as a traitor to the American Republic.

Some of these cross currents in Israeli viewpoints were evident in a public access Cable TV Program we did some years ago. We were interviewing an Israeli official, then stationed in Chicago. Deputy Consul-General of Israel. "Should Reagan as President have been impeached for high crimes, such as Iran-Contra?" He responded, "If I answer, your State Department will have me thrown out of the country tomorrow morning." I added, "Thank you Mr. Deputy Consul-General, YOU HAVE ANSWERED." He went on to point out, "Israel has no legal basis or wish to seek to enforce YOUR country's laws, within the United States. That is for YOUR Justice Department to seek to enforce YOUR country's laws within YOUR country."

===Among the undisputed details compiled apparently by The Mossad. On Black Tuesday, Daddy Bush was at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel [(202) 835-0500, (800) 241-3333] in Washington, D.C. Present were other officials of the Elder Bush's business circle, Carlyle Group, including top honcho Frank Carlucci. They were negotiating a treasonous business deal, to the detriment of the American Republic, with one of Osama bin Laden's brothers. As also known, that hotel is a center for negotiations between Israel weapons merchants and the Red Chinese Secret Police. Remember another one of Osama's brothers, who headed the bin Laden Business Family Fortune, was an oil firm partner with George W. Bush. That bin Laden was snuffed out by a weird airplane event, some contending it was foul play in Texas.

Daddy Bush falsely contended he and his wife were elsewhere in the U.S. and could not return to the capital because all air traffic was grounded after the 9-11 tragedies. The Mossad has compiled substantial data how the FBI favored some 24 bin Laden Family members resident in the U.S. who are in one form or another in business with the Bush Crime Family. While air traffic was stopped, the FBI nevertheless arranged after Black Tuesday by airplane to whisk the bin Ladens out of the U.S. That way, the bin Ladens, who are NOT on the outs with Osama, could not be questioned, for example, about their funding of joint projects of Harvard University with the American CIA, and how the bin Ladens are tied to U.S. defense contractors and the Pentagon. All this, thanks to Daddy Bush as the former head of America's secret political police.

So two witnesses, useful by The Mossad to expose the Bush Crime Family, have been assassinated right in a public place. "Mayor James Hahn [of Los Angeles] said there was no immediate indication that the shootings were connected to terrorism. 'It appears this was an isolated incident', Hahn said." New York Times, July 4, 2002. Similar statements were attributed to spokesmen for the FBI.

No, maybe it was not a terrorist attack. Just political assassinations carried out right in front of the public, like the U.S. military/industrial complex conducted a public execution of President Kennedy, blowing out his brains in an open car by military-style triangulating sniper fire.

If the July 4th incident were "merely" a "terrorist" event, the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press could not easily confirm that. It would damage the airlines and their stock ownership and their bankers at a vulnerable period.

More coming. Stay tuned.

Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.

POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS AT L.A. AIRPORT, Part Two by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/10/02

by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/10/02

In analyzing shoot-ups with geopolitical/espionage overtones, political assassination researchers have an advantage. They pose questions troubling to the Establishment, the aristocracy, the "powers that be" , such as the following

[1] Did the background of the accused gunman suddenly show up in the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press with all kinds of details? And was this to quickly prove to the poorly-informed that the accused shooter was a disgruntled crackpot linked to no plot or murder scheme or anybody? And that he was not a "terrorist"? And who in advance already compiled that rapidly supplied background handed on a platter to the liars and whores of the press? Was it America's secret political police, the FBI and the CIA?

[2] Did the early reports, never repeated in the U.S. media, point to a second gunman? If such early reports were referred to by overseas or alternative media, well, then were they quickly heckled as "unfounded"?

[3] Do the American lapdog newsfakers ever proceed to educate ordinary Americans about political murders, from an historic perspective? If not, why not?

[4] Europeans, to their credit, often raise the issue of political murder. Why are the American media so quick to whitewash strange events as always done by a "lone nut"?

[5] Do the American media ever raise the basic question about certain murders WHO BENEFITS? What do the presslords fear? That the ordinary Americans come to realize that bloody happenings are not always just random events? Are questions ever raised, such as for example, as to how England seeks to take back this continent and how they benefitted from the political assassination of three U.S. Presidents, since the War of 1812? [Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley. See our website series, "The Overthrow of the American Republic".]

The accused Egyptian, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, ran a limousine service. Were the local authorities going to allow just anyone to park their vehicle, as he did, opposite the Los Angeles International Terminal and walk into the place? He had on a light short-sleeved shirt which could NOT have concealed, from the trained security personnel, that he suppposedly carried with him one automatic pistol, one gun, one six inch knife, and two ammunition clips. Was the Egyptian wearing an El Al identification badge? Would El Al be inclined to give such a person easily identified as an Egyptian, a security badge?

Those who know the history of murders, particularly political wipe-outs---which many Americans are kept from knowing about---are aware that the use of a second team or second assassin is part of the plot. Some examples.

===1933. Quickly described by the American monopoly press was the "lone nut" who supposedly fired the FATAL shots, killing in Florida, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak while sitting next to President-Elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So, murder mystery buffs are aware that the accurate, FATAL shooting (not just nearby shooting) was actually done by an entire second team. The purposes included to scare Roosevelt into agreeing with out-going President Herbert Hoover to close all the banks in a growing crisis. Roosevelt said he would NOT take action until he was inaugurated. Secondly, Cermak ran in Chicago an illegal booze business in competition with Al Capone and an Irish mob, a three-way situation. The "lone nut" was grabbed, rapidly tried, and convicted, and suffered the death penalty.

===1963. CIA-linked patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was the diversion for a highly-skilled sniper team in Dallas that blew out the brains of President John F. Kennedy in an open car. Used was military-style triangulating synchronized firing. A public execution to benefit, among others, the military-industrial complex. [Now available from some online book-sellers is the long-suppressed originally foreign published work, written for the Kennedy Family by the French CIA, "Farewell America", by pen-name author "James Hepburn". For more than 30 years banned from bookstore distribution in the U.S. This writer and one other assassination researcher somehow were the only ones able to get copies into the country. I used to give them away, when we had them, in return for small donations following college lectures.]

A mafioso, originally from Chicago, Jack Ruby, wiped out Oswald, to get rid of questioning the patsy.

===1968. A hypnotized purported nut, Sirhan Sirhan, was grabbed and blamed for the murder of JFK's brother, Robert F. Kennedy. The local coroner in L.A. said the fatal shots came from a gun about one inch away. Testimony showed that Sirhan was never closer than eight feet to Bobby. The FATAL shots came from a little-noticed purported hotel "security guard".

A Canadian journalist, Theodore Charach, was an eyewitness in the hotel pantry event. He produced a film documentary entitled "The Second Gun". The history of that film since 1974 was long and sad. To seek to discredit him, he was framed and sent to prison on dope charges. A large entertainment firm bought the film rights and suppressed distribution for a long time. At some assassination research seminars---set up by Establishment marketing experts to test out whether the public really wants to know such things---Charach was informed by the seminar conducters that if he showed up, he would be jailed as a trespasser, since he was NOT invited. (I came close to being jailed myself when I told the seminar bosses that I was arranging for Charach to be there nevertheless.)

A highly-skilled criminologist was available for Sirhan's trial to give the history of the use in murders of a second team or second gunman. Despite all that, the jury found Sirhan guilty and he rots in prison, a used and abused patsy.

THE PURPOSES OF THE JULY 4th, 2002 SHOOTINGS ===The shot dead El Al ticket counter clerk, Victoria Chen, was NOT just anybody. She was a close associate of Chandra Levy, the disappeared or murdered young woman, near the same age as Chen, who interwove with activities, among others, of the French CIA in combination with some of their pals in The Mossad, Israeli intelligence. They were together part of a team that included Monica Lewinsky. They were knowledgeable about the Bush Crime Family (Monica with Bill Clinton, a little-known crony of the Bush Family.) [visit our website series on the "Chandra Levy Affair".] That is Monica, Chandra, Victoria(some spelled it Khen).

===Also shot dead near the ticket counter was a Russian diamond importer, Yaacov Aminov. The Mossad contended that he somehow penetrated their activities as to the Bush White House having been accurately informed in advance of the expected violence against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Bush Crime Family, interested in Central Asia oil deals,including Afghanistan as a pipeline conduit, did NOT want to know or act on The Mossad's advance accurate warning. [Relating to this, I wrote a story posted soon after Black Tuesday and was in the beginning heckled as a "liar" as to this prior knowledge and warning to Bush.] The Mossad greatly suspected that Aminov was a left-over reportedly of the Soviet Secret Police, the K.G.B. interfering with The Mossad's activities, in many cases as renegades, in the U.S. Aminov was reportedly spying on the way The Mossad was proceeding for various purposes to blackmail the Bush Crime Family [See part one of this series.]

===A target right near the El Al ticket counter was Michal Valden, a grand-daughter of Shimon Peres, the Israeli Foreign Minister. Early on, Peres was one of the first to counter the FBI's conclusion that it was not a "terrorist" event. His grand-daughter herself contacting, (surviving the assassination attempt where they got Victoria Chen); or someone on behalf of Valden, must have contacted Peres rightaway as to what happened.

A well-informed Israeli commentator, Barry Chamish, contends there are various reasons why Peres' grand-daughter was a target, including a split in the Israeli government and other reasons relating back to accusations that Peres orchestrated the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and ties to a French connection. Some contend that Peres and others arranged for a "lone nut" to be blamed for the Rabin murder. [ Also, his stories about LAX have been posted on a popular website, Also raising the Peres issue but referring to it as Peres' "daughter", has been David M. Bresnahan, [] who in the past has helped break important stories.

The actual shooter and second gunman was a white, Caucasian, blonde hair, with a pony tail, clearly NOT an Egyptian. (That is assuming that the Egyptian was a gunman patsy as a diversion, rather than what seems to be, an unarmed patsy, shot dead like Lee Harvey Oswald.) According to witnesses, mentioned primarily in early reports but not repeated or in foreign press reports, the "pony tail" wore an El Al identification badge and was identified by among others, those working at the right nearby Mexicana Air Lines ticket counter. He took deliberate, not random, aim at Chandra Levy's close associate working at the ticket counter, Victoria Chen. His shots, however, missed Peres' grand-daughter right nearby.

The "pony tail" had five accomplices in the airport terminal who were apprehended by the secret political police, the FBI, and have fallen into the Bureau's cover-up black hole of history.


===To conceal efforts by The Mossad that they gave accurate, prior warning data to the Bush White House of the events that became 9-11, Black Tuesday. And that the Bush White House, as supervised by Daddy Bush running the show, wanted the events to take place. Why? For many poorly-informed Americans, outraged at the violence on their homeland, willing now to scrap the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be replaced by promises of "Homeland Security", like the Nazi Gestapo and the Soviet K.G.B. Ordinary Americans, unfortunately, do not understand this horrible mindset of the aristocracy, that foments wars and benefits from great financial debacles, like the Great Depression.

In 2002, when Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited Bush, as the occupant and resident of the White House, some contend that Bush insulted Sharon. Myseriously right thereafter, came bubbling up to the surface the accusations of FBI agents, Phoenix and Minneapolis, that their warnings to the FBI higher-ups about would-be terrorists planning something to do with airplanes in the U.S. were ignored. Or, that the FBI Director and the President deny having been warned. Some very well informed types contend that the Arabs were NOT the principal players in Black Tuesday, just convenient throwaway patsies.

===Another purpose of the cover-up, was to conceal the split in The Mossad that would tend to come out and finger the treason of the Bush Crime Family. The FBI fears that poking into the internal struggles in Israel and their intelligence agency would cause the Israelis to retaliate and publicly surface more of the prior knowledge of the Bush Crime Family as to Black Tuesday. In fact, FBI meddling in such matters would tend to unravel a series of The Big Cover-Up Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman and his private business partnership with Daddy Bush. [See our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".] And the Iraqi connection, implicating Daddy Bush to the bombings of the federal building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995. And the Bush Crime Family in partners with Colombian druglord Carlos Lehder. [Visit the "Chandra Levy Affair", Part Two.]

More coming. Stay tuned

Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.


Part 43
Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy-The Meeting
by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/25/03

It was centuries in the making. The split between the Old World and the New World. Between East and the West. The Divide, the Vatican, the Reformation, the Protestant Church. The Capitalist World and their creation of their own "enemy" , the Communist World.

It was the fall of 2003. In the view of some, there was a most unlikely meeting of two persons. At least as considered by some, each a spokesperson for a different faction. George Herbert Walker Bush. Promoted into the oil business by the British Royalty (actually German Royalty, the House of Hanover, masquerading as the House of Windsor). A functionary of the American CIA since 1959, using his front worldwide units of Zapata Petroleum Co., later Zapata Offshore. In 1961, supervisor of the disastrous aborted CIA invasion of Cuba at "The Bay of Pigs". 1976, Director of Central Intelligence, arranged the murder in Washington of a former top official of Chile. 1977-1981, Director of a pharmaceutical firm, complicit re portedly in the dope underground with cocaine, a by-product of the production of the secret base of Coca-Cola by Stepan Chemical Co., Northfield, Illinois.

October, 1980, French Intelligence videoed Daddy Bush arranging a traitorous deal with top officials of Iran near Paris. The Iranians were bribed to help the Reagan/Bush ticket win the Presidential/Vice President election by showing in cumbent President Jimmy Carter as a wimp running for re-election. The bribery was to avoid the dreaded "October Surprise", if Carter got the release of the 52 U.S. hostages held by Iran. By the Bush treason, the hostages were held to exactly the moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were inaugurated. Bush was Vice President, 1981, and President, 1988.

Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. Son of the Irish Patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy. The Family having been from the 1920s, during Prohibition, making British royalty beholden to them. How? By Ol d Man Kennedy arranging to smuggle into the U.S. the booze products chartered by the British Royals. This was done with the aid of gangsters, Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. The criminals continued the distribution of the booze even after liquor was legal in the U.S. Teddy in 1964 survived an assassination plot in a sabotaged plane crash. His brothers, John F. and Robert F., did not survive murder plots, 1963 and 1968.

A transcript of the Fall of 2003 meeting, before the 40th Anniversary of the JFK murder.

Edward M. Kennedy "George, I think by now, through your sources, you already know, the French CIA, for several decades now, has leaked out a few details as to Dallas. Although their people infiltrated the plot, their high-ups did not see fit to stop it, believing I suppose it could not be stopped or better to withhold details for blackmail. As you know, Oswald was a French intelligence agent, a hero, who fell between the cracks. His mother often said Oswald was under cover as with N aval Intelligence. Now my niece Caroline insists that I show you these films and documents."

[A projector is set up and the films shown. On one film, taken from the Overpass bridge, is shown the shots straight-on hitting Kennedy. Other parts of films, show one of the shooters using the storm sewer up on the railroad embankment , right near Dan Rather standing in the shadows nearby.]

George Herbert Walker Bush "Teddy, you know the problem. Your brother Jack was soft on the Communists. Three weeks before Dallas, he ordered the coup against the Saigon regime of Premier Diem, a devout Catholic, and his two brothers, all anti-Communists---they were assassinated on your brother's orders. And your brother denied U.S. warplane cover at the Bay of Pigs, thus helping Fidel Castro, a Communist. Jack lost his nerve in 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis."

Teddy "That Saigon matter is a frame-up, supposedly making the Vatican approve of what happened to Jack."

George "Jack was allowing the country to be split on black-white racial lines by an agitator, Dr. King, a Communist."

Teddy "I do not believe Dr. King was a Communist. I know Hoover hated us and said King was a Red."

"I suppose you know about the book written by a team of French Intelligence under a pen-name? 'Farewell America'." George "The main thing is your brother was dealt with like any Crowned Head of State. After the powers that be determined that your brother was a traitor, Lyndon [Baines Johnson, then Vice President] and I, and other noteworthy person s, including those in the Military and Intelligence, and others, arranged a public execution. On the facts, it was justified and proper."

Teddy "George, it was not justified. Jack found terrible murder plots within the CIA, and was determined to scatter them to the wind and you know it. He would not instigate a nuclear strike against the Soviets. It is nonsense to claim Jack was a Communist, or soft on them. He wanted to take away the tax loophole favoring your oil pals."

George "Your brother was a traitor. He had to be punished, as a symbol to all, that a traitor will have his head chopped off or his brains blown out, in public, for all to see."

Teddy "My family has been in favor of silence on these subjects. They do not want to go public to rebut these outrageous accusations. Caroline, my niece, dissents. She demands the matters, the films, the documents, once and for all, b e made public. Her husband, Schlossberg, a grain speculator, for business reasons, wants the silence to continue."

George "Publicizing the details cannot be allowed."

Teddy "Why?"

George "Because the public is stupid. How can we explain high-level Affairs of State to dummies? The public execution was justified and necessary, and you know it. To reveal all the details now would tear the country apart."

So, on the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of John F.Kennedy, the media permitted, at least some did, the finger to be pointed at Lyndon Baines Johnson, now dead, once Vice President and then President. In espionage jargon, this is dealing with a sticky subject by a "limited hang-out", a throwaway detail.

Not accused, and they should be, are the British Royalty, the American CIA, Daddy Bush's Texas oil buddies, and Fascist killers high up in the U.S. Military and Intelligence agencies.

Considering that the French are holding all the cards---the films and proof as to Dallas---it was plain stupid for Bush, Jr., that is George W. Bush, to attack the Paris government regarding the plan to invade Iraq. Daddy Bush, maybe m ost have already forgotten, publicly opposed the pre-emptive attack on Iraq.

The oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press would not dare report any details, which they already know, of the meeting between Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy.

For background, visit our website series Overthrow, Part 42 and other parts. Also, as to revealing details of the Kennedy Family, see our four-part series on the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Goldenboy". Somewhere on our website is the FBI document showing George Bush, of CIA, was involved with in some way covering up witnesses as to the Dallas murder. As to Daddy Bush, the Corrupt Federal Judges, underground dope and cocaine, and Stepan Chemical Co., see our extensive website series "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts".

More coming. Stay tuned.

Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.


Part 44
Saddam Double-Crossed
by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/4/03

Some years ago we coined the phrase "oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press". It is not an idle statement. The basis for it are the numerous examples we have shown over the forty years we have functioned as a research/investig ative group.

About forty years ago the American CIA created Saddam Hussein and his political party as a bulwark against a growing left-wing in Iraq. Historically, it was just another way the West deals with Europe and the East. American/British Big Business financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as an opposition to the Soviets which had themselves been created by the West.

Common Americans do not seem to understand, or want to undertand, the principle, perfected many centuries ago by the Romans. To solidify your power, create so-called "enemies". and then build up your armies to protect you from "them".

Shortly after he was Director of Central Intelligence, Daddy Bush was instrumental in supplying Saddam with chemical/biological weapons as well as starting Iraq on the road to nuclear development. The Elder Bush, as a stooge for Americ an.British Big Business, instigated the Iran-Iraq war, 1980 to 1988, to tie-up both nations and keep up the price of oil, while weakening and impoverishing both Mid-East nations.

The Reagan/Bush White House armed Saddam. [See the heavily-documented book "The Spider's Web" by Alan Friedman, 1993, which did not get much mass media mention.]

Savvy folks are well-aware that Saddam was suckered into invading Kuwait, in 1990, as part of a long-simmering ruckus over Iraq's claims to oilfields on the Kuwait-Iraq border going back to 1960 when Kuwait was still a British colony.

In the pre-emptive attack on Iraq by the U.S., March, 2003, the Bush White House arranged to massively bribe the top element of the Iraq Republican Guard, the elite military units supposedly most trusted by Saddam. Thus,` the U.S. Mili tary went almost unopposed up the highway to Baghdad. These turncoat brass and their families were quietly and secretly whisked out of Iraq to safety and housing in the U.S. Remember also, we were among the first to mention that following Persian Gulf War One, Daddy Bush arranged to bring into the U.S. more than four thousand supposed Iraqi military intelligence defectors. Two thousand of them were with their families, at U.S. taxpayer's expense, housed, fed, and given work, in Oklahoma City. Kn owledgeable journalists have contended that these supposed defectors played a role with American dissidents as surrogates for Iraq, in the multiple bombings of the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building, in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.

Yet, Daddy Bush and his financial crony, Bill Clinton, were both in a position to know that these Iraqi military brought into the U.S. had a number of double-agents, saboteurs now on U.S. soil.

[Related details on earlier parts of this website series.]

The Kuwait dictators, the al Sabah Royal Family, after Persian Gulf War One, hired an American investigation firm, Jules Kroll & Associates, to locate Saddam Hussein's properties. Details were published in 1991, in the Wall Street Journal. Saddam was one of the richest men in that part of the world. He held a huge financial position (and still does) in what became Daimler Chrysler (maker of Mercedes Benz and Chrysler cars); Fairchild Missiles, of Italy; Hachette, which owns, amon g other things, magazines in the U.S.; and Matra, the Paris-based firm operating the "People Mover" System at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, a light railway moving passengers and baggage from the airport terminals to the planes.

December 13, 2003, was an unlucky day for Saddam. At least, some think so. It may have been a staged event, with Saddam as one of the actors. Bush Crime Family super bagman, James A. Baker III (Daddy Bush Administration Secretary of St ate), heavily bribed Saddam's guards to abandon him. This made Saddam, supposedly all by himself, available to be arrested in the basement of a farmhouse on the outskirts of his home-town, Tikrit. Coming to grab Saddam was part of a secret U.S. unit alo ng with Saddam's historical enemies, Kurdish troops. Assisting with the bribery of Saddam's guards and the apprehending of Saddam, were OPERATIVES OF CBS NETWORK NEWS. In a live broadcast after the arrest, a CBS Network news hen accidentally let slip th e role of CBS in arranging the capture of Saddam. Maybe we can expect that the newswoman making the monstrous mistake, will mysteriously later be found shot to death "accidentally" by some U.S. military, like numerous other report! ers in Iraq.

You can see why we call it "the spy-riddled American monopoly press". CBS has assisted the American CIA since the creation of the spy agency.

James A. Baker III is the same bagman, in the year 2000 Presidential election mess. He reportedly bribed southern Florida DEMOCRATS, at a strategic moment, to stop the recounting of ballots for Albert Gore, Jr. Thus George W. Bush was able to get the Florida vote, crucial to the Electoral College vote, and thereby steal the Presidential election.

If Saddam lives to be put on public trial, he could defend himself and wreck the Bushies, with his own eyewitness testimony of treason committed by the Bush Crime Family. A complicating factor, is that France is in the middle of the de al to grab Saddam Hussein. Master blackmailers, the French have plenty on the Bushies, their role in the assassination and the cover up of the same, of President John F. Kennedy, the Florida election theft, George W. Bush and his travels with his male s ex-mate, and a French as-yet not released documentary on the Florida election, and plenty more. Insofar as Saddam has been moved out of Iraq, was he quietly moved to Paris?

More coming. Stay tuned.

Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders

Sunday, September 13, 2015

God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: 9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role?

God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: 9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role?


9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel’s Role?

Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer)

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. – Marcus Cicero, to the Roman Senate, 42 BC

Benjamin Netanyahu
One may feel shocked by this title. Zionists have such a grip upon “The Guilt Industry”, virtually a monopoly, politically speaking. Was 9/11 an inside job? America was in some degree seeded with the perpetration of this event, from outside, and various echelons of its security services and military then responded by co-operating and then weaving a Muslims-did-it story. That is the hypothesis we will here  examine. So when Netanyahu said the very next day, ‘This is very good for Israel”,  he wasn’t just blurting out something indiscreet, he was publicly congratulating the various agents who had worked so hard. The smooth integrity which the official story soon acquires, is an expression of the nation’s will-to-survive: an event has taken place and been covered up, where the Truth cannot come out without effectively disintegrating the nation, in its present form. Aye, there’s the rub. That is the sense of fun which the Chief Operators derive, as they see all the media, who may not particularly like them, compelled to endorse and weave out of their own accord, the fabricated tale.  Here are the “Seven Pillars” of the argument.

I. Silverstein and the WTC

The private property developer, billionaire Larry Silverstein, acquired the WTC complex off the New York Port Authority (founded and owned by the Rockefeller family), two months before 9/11 – the first  time in its 33-year history the complex had ever changed ownership. Silverstein was formerly a chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, the largest Zionist organization dedicated to raising money and support for Israel. Lewis Eisenberg, former chairman of The New York Port Authority and the man who personally supervised the negotiations that delivered the 99-year lease to Silverstein, is also a former leader of the United Jewish Appeal. His first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex: the new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Marvin’s cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key locations in the 9/11 attacks.

Silverstein personally ordered WTC-7 to be demolished (“pulled”) around noon of 9/11 and has never been cross-examined by any enquiry over this. His firm had built that very building in the mid-1980s! In 1980, Silverstein Associates won a bid to lease and develop that portion of the WTC, and to build the 47-story “Building 7″.

Despite being a mere leaseholder of the buildings, he was the sole beneficiary of the insurance payouts. He increased the insurance policies, when he signed the lease two months before the catastrophe happened. The insurance was for 3.6 billion dollars, but he found an obscure clause in the insurance policy which enabled him to claim twice, one for each “attack!” “Larry Silverstein, since July landlord of the towers, demands from the insurers $7,2 billion compensation, his speaker, Steve Solomon, said. .. with help from New York’s Jewish mayor, Michael Bloomberg he found investments to rebuild the WTC. A good chunk of the seven billion insurance went to Israel, so God once more helped out His chosen people, financially” [1]. Ground Zero is being rebuilt by Daniel Liebeskind, the Jewish architect of Berlin’s “Jewish Museum”. The person said to be Silverstein’s closest friend — one with whom he speaks almost daily by phone — is the former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. For financial reasons (chiefly involving asbestos problems) the WTC complex was no longer viable and needed to be demolished, but the costs of doing this legally were prohibitive.

In the early 1990s, a group of leading U.S. Jewish businessmen formed a company that was to become the Israel Export Development Company, as a way to make it easier for foreign investors to trade with Israel. It never quite worked out (for complex reasons), despite the best efforts of Benjamin Netanyahu, but following that struggle gives us the impression of Silverstein as possibly the most distinguished US financier assisting Israel. Thus, David Yerushalmi, who had led the IEDC effort since its inception, was asked to turn over the leadership of the company to Silverstein, an accomplished real estate developer and ardent fundraiser for the Jewish Federation of New York, itself a big contributor to Israel. Perhaps, had it worked out, events would not have let to the donation which he made to Israel, following the insurance claim from the WTC-7 collapse.

WTC-7 appeared as the only steel framed building in history for which fire was the sole cause of its collapse. Any building that was not owned by Silverstein Properties that day strangely remained upright, despite being a lot closer to the two towers that collapsed onto them. Let’s quote what Lucky Larry said on acquiring the leasehold: “This is a dream come true, we will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights”.

II. Zakheim and his Missing Trillions

Ordained Rabbi, Zionist and citizen of Israel, Dov Zakheim served as Comptroller of the Pentagon, i.e. he was in charge of its finances, from May 2001 to March 2004. While Bush was still Governor of Texas, Zakheim became one of his closest advisers, counseling him on defense technology and strategic aspects of Middle Eastern affairs, and was Bush’s senior foreign policy advisor during the 2000 campaign. Dov had earlier held the position of Chief Executive Officer at Systems Planning Corporation (SPC), then he became the Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller (head money man) of the Pentagon in May 2001, appointed by Bush. He was sworn in as the Under-Secretary of Defense and Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Defense on May 4, 2001. Since then over three trillion dollars has gone unaccounted-for.

Dov Zakheim’s SPC offers the appropriately named “‘Flight Termination System’ for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles” [2]. It consists of a Command transmitter system plus custom control, interface and monitoring systems.’ The system can be configured to operate from a single local site, or with several remote sites. It does sound useful.

System Planning Corporation, of which he had been Corporate Vice-President, is a high-tech, research and manufacturing firm based in Arlington, Virginia, a major player in the “Homeland Security” industry and a leading designer of airborne remote control technology. It makes the Command Transmitter System, a remote control system for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles, which can be configured to interface with all sorts of vehicle types. He is Chief Executive Officer of SPC International Corporation, a subsidiary of SPC that specializes in political, military, and economic consulting. A subsidiary of this firm, Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, which would have provided vital first-hand knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center.

Zakheim has close ties to the Israeli government, holding dual Israeli-American citizenship [3]. As a member of the Council for Foreign Relations, and founding member of the Neo-con cult, he co-authored the Heritage Foundation’s infamous tract, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century” published by The American Enterprise’s “Project for a New American Century”, in which the Bush Administration’s entire design for renewed global conquest was  laid down, exactly a year prior to 9/11. It called for “some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” as necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East. As a respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted.

In 2004, an article entitled The Mastermind Behind 9/11? on the ‘Truthseeker’ website [4] expressed the view that:

Considering his access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote control flight systems, and his published views in the PNAC document, it seems very likely he is in fact a key figure in the alleged terrorist attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001. Rabbi Zakheim had access to things like structural integrity, blueprints and any number of important facets of information about the WTC through his work with Tridata Corporation in the investigation of the bombing of the WTC in 1993. That he had access to remote control technology through his work at System Planning Corporation (SPC); that he had access to Boeing aircraft through a lease deal he brokered while working at the Pentagon; and finally, that he was part of a group of politically radical Straussian Neo-Conservatives, who, through their association with PNAC, called for restructuring of the Middle East.
In response, the Truthseeker was threatened with prosecution by Zakheim’s lawyers in 2005 and had to remove the article. However, the insightful articles, “Dov Zakheim and the 9/11 Conspiracy” and also “The Mastermind Behind 9/11” can still be viewed [5].

The planes that purportedly slammed into the Towers that morning were supposed to be Boeing 767s, and Zakheim had contracted and sent a number of these to Florida-MacDill Air Force Base before the event. The Flight Termination System produced by his SPC does somewhat resemble the object visible in photographs under the fuselage of flight 175, just prior to its impact into the South Tower [6]. This plane is suspected to have been a KC-767, the military tanker version of the Boeing 767. As the Truthseeker observed, the remote-control technology whereby those specially-prepared planes impacted the Towers, was probably made and managed by Zakheim’s company. In addition he has enabled substantial support for Israel over the years: thanks to him, Israel is awash in F-15′s, F-16′s, and the latest in offensive and defensive missile systems – sold to Israel at a fraction of their value. Zakheim had a central role in the perpetration of 9/11.

III. Israeli Intelligence-Espionage Companies

The airline security company responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9/11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel’s military intelligence agency, Mossad: Huntleigh, USA is a subsidiary of International Consultants on Targeted Security, headed by “former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies. It sells security, ticketing, check-in and passenger screening services to Boston’s Logan airport and New Jersey’s Newark airport.

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the Twin Towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. Atzmon just happens to be a good friend of current Israeli Prime minister, Ehud Olmert. In fact, Atzmon is such a good friend of Almert that he was involved in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the Likud campaign with Olmert back in 1997 when Atzmon was co-treasurer of the Likud party [7].

Does this at last explain how those “Muslim hijackers” could appear as getting on the planes, with no CCTV pictures of them anywhere in the airports, no Arab names on any flight lists, no boarding staff prepared to testify to having seen any Arab-looking guys mount the planes, nor any post-mortems indicating any Arab bodies anywhere? That phantasm could be woven, and sustained, with the aid of Israeli intelligence agents handling security and passenger screening at just those very airports [8].

Two Israeli-based companies Amdocs and Comverse have wiretapping technologies, which tend to have a back door built in to overhear monitored conversations [9]. In January 2001, Comverse purchased a large stake in the company Odigo, ‘giving it access to Odigo’s operations, accounting and technologies.’ In 1999, the NSA issued a top secret report on how US phone records were getting into ‘foreign’ i.e. Israeli hands, concerning Israeli-linked drug-crime mafia rings.

A revealing, four-part investigative series was aired by Fox News in December 2001, by Carl Cameron. This outlined how the Israeli-controlled company Amdocs had installed new White House communications system during the mid-1990s. This stimulated FBI probes into the extent of Israeli eavesdropping on calls to and from the White House, NSC, Pentagon and State Department. Clearly, Amdocs was spying on the White House [10]. Cameron and Fox News were told, ‘Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified, we cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered’ [11].

An Israeli government run company called Zim Israel Navigational commands over 80 vessels, is the 9th largest shipping company in the world, and had 200 employees in the North tower. One week before 9/11, Zim moved out of its World Trade Center offices with over 200 workers, paying a $50,000 fine for breaking its lease. Its decision to move had been announced six months earlier. The reason given was, to save on rent.

IV. The Dancing Israelis

As the towers crumbled, five young Israelis, who turned out to be Mossad agents, were caught doing the ‘happy dance’ while videotaping the event. Police ascertained that their van contained $4,700 in cash, plus ‘box cutters’, and some photographs, showing their smiling faces in front of the smoldering wreckage, and one showing a hand flicking a lighter open in front of the Towers! The van tested positive for explosives. There were “maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted … It looked like they’re hooked into this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen.” When the five returned to Israel, one of them brazenly explained on Israeli TV, “The fact of the matter is that we have been in a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event,” showing that they knew what was going to happen.

They set up their cameras on banks of the Hudson River, trained them onto the Twin Towers, and congratulated each other when the crashes occurred, according to The New York Times. A witness noted: ‘They seemed to be taking a movie. They were like, happy, you know … they didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was strange.’ The company they worked for, ‘Urban Moving Systems’, had few discernible assets. It closed up shop immediately afterward as its owner fled to Israel. In the weeks and months following 9/11, numerous cells of other Mossad “moving” agents were arrested across the nation, and then in December 2001, Fox News reported that U.S. authorities had detained 60 such “movers.”[12]

The revealing, four-part investigative series was aired by Fox News in December, 2001, dealing with the arrests of several hundred Israeli nationals as well as some of the incriminating circumstances surrounding their activities in the United States. In response, every major media outlet in America received a visit from Abraham Foxman, the head of the Anti-Defamation League. A phrase he used was, “What are you doing putting this stuff out there? You’re killing us!” Executives at the highest levels of the various networks were inundated with phone calls, letters and emails. Members of the most powerful Jewish groups in the country – ADL, AIPAC with its 60,000 members, and the misnamed Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America CAMERA – visited the White House and petitioned officials at the highest levels to close down investigations of the Israeli spies.

V. Israeli Spy Ring

At least 120 Israeli intelligence operatives entered America and posed as art students, with door-to-door sales of artwork. “Many of the ring’s activities seemed to run parallel with the movements of several of the 9/11 hijackers. A group of about 140 Israeli spies were arrested and US government documents alluded to this ring as having ‘organised intelligence-gathering operations designed to penetrate government facilities.” The Fox News program revealed documents indicating that these art students had targeted and penetrated military bases, no mean achievement for art students [13]. Other reports speak of two hundred Israeli spies being uncovered, among them military members, electronics experts, wiretapping and phone tapping specialists, and explosives experts with the skill to bring down tall buildings.[14] They were arrested for trying to sneak into secured US Federal buildings and staking out 36 Department of Defense sites. Some of these suspicious “art students” showed up at the homes of Federal employees. An investigative report concluded that: ‘”A former Defense Department analyst, Hatchett believes groups may be gathering intelligence for possible future attacks. Some organization, thinking in terms of a potential retaliation against the U.S. government could be scouting out potential targets and looking for targets that would be vulnerable.” Another federal memo stated that, besides Houston and Dallas, the same thing has happened at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, and, even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites. “One defense site you can explain,” says Hatchett, “well that was just a serendipitous, … Thirty-six? That’s a pattern.” [15]

Between December 12-15th, 2001, the FBI, the DEA and the INS informed Fox News that there were no connections between the “art students” and the incidents of 9/11, and that continuing to pursue this topic would be a form of “career suicide.” On December 16, 2001, Fox News pulled the information regarding the “art student spy ring” from its website. Jane’s Intelligence Digest commented, “It is rather strange that the US media seems to be ignoring what may well be the most explosive story since the 11 September attacks—the alleged breakup of a major Israeli espionage operation in the USA.” The Palm Beach Post alluded to a DEA report on the Israeli “art students,” saying it had determined that all of the students had “recently served in the Israeli military, the majority in intelligence, electronic signal intercept or explosive ordnance units.” [16]

The story of the largest spy ring ever discovered inside the United States was soon hushed up: “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information,” explained a US official, on Cameron’s Fox News Report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9/11. The Israeli national Michael Chertoff, who would become the first head of the Department of Homeland Security, was responsible for letting them off and making sure they got safely back to Israel.

The Florida flight school president Rudi Dekkers recalled of ‘Mohammed Atta’: “Well, when Atta was here and I saw his face on several occasions in the building, then I know that they’re regular students and then I try to talk to them, it’s kind of a PR – where are you from? I tried to communicate with him. I found out from my people that he lived in Hamburg and he spoke German so one of the days that I saw him, I speak German myself, I’m a Dutch citizen, and I started in the morning telling him in German, “Good morning. How are you? How do you like the coffee? Are you happy here?” and he looked at me with cold eyes, didn’t react at all and walked away. That was one of my first meetings I had.”’[17]

Atta’s German may not have been up to much, but he could speak Hebrew! The ‘Mohammed Atta’ of Florida loved eating pork chops, had various different passports and IDs, according to his lingerie-model and stripper girlfriend Amanda Keller, and could speak Hebrew. She challenged him when he claimed the latter, and then by demonstrating his skill in Hebrew, he convinced her! He loved partying, strip-clubs, fast cars, casinos and snorting cocaine (not quite the suicidal type, maybe?). The real Mohammed Atta, who lived in Hamburg as an architecture student, had his passport stolen in 1999 [18], which presumably enabled the identity-theft to take place. Austere, silent and devout, he avoided women and hated flying so much that his sister had to give him special medicine to enable him to do it! There could not be two more opposite characters. The Hamburg Atta was about three inches shorter. One presumes he was killed after September 11th after he spoke to his Father on the12th over the phone. The Florida Atta lived on the same street as one of the groups of the Israeli “art students.”[19] The Israeli-art group leader, Hanan Serfati, had rented several dwellings in the neighborhood, and he stayed next to the post office where the Huffman Aviation flight-students had their mailbox. Mohammed Atta’s “vital task” on the morning of 9/11 has been well described by Rowland Morgan, and it involved a journey to Portland, in order to have his baggage (complete with Koran, will, etc) delivered to Boston airport, in such a way that it would be retained by the airport, not be put onto a plane. [20] For this, there was no need for him to board one of ‘the’ planes.

VI. One Israeli Death

Nearly 500 foreign nationals from over 80 different nations were killed in the World Trade Center. The next day, September 12, the Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli embassy in America was bombarded on 9/11 with calls from 4,000 worried Israeli families. On September13th, “Four Israelis were almost certainly in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center when they collapsed, the Israeli consul in New York said this evening.” This number dwindled. The Towers specialized in international banking so one might have expected a few more Israeli citizens. One or possibly three Israelis died on 9/11, one in the towers and two on the planes. There is very little on the web. A week later, President Bush stated that 130 had died, but 129 of these were found to be still alive. The NY times 22 Sept found that 3 Israelis were confirmed dead, two from planes and one from the Towers [21,22]. Of this total the British historian David Irving wrote: “We are happy to report that the 4,000 figure dwindled eventually to three (not three thousand, but three), then two, then one: the unfortunate Daniel Lewin.”

Two Mossad agents were present, on Flight UA 175 and Flight AA 11 respectively: the first flight had Danny Lewin, a 28-year old graduate of Israel’s elite commando unit, the “World’s most elite anti- hijacking team”.

Daniel Lewin

He was a captain in this unit, and the story soon developed that he had been shot by Satam Al Suqami, as the four Arabs attempted to storm the cockpit. (Satam was the one whose passport supposedly fluttered down to Ground Zero where the FBI found it). Sayeret Matkal is Israel’s elite team that handles aircraft hijackings and assassinations, specializing in aircraft takeovers. During the 1970s and 1980s, this secretive Israeli anti-terrorist unit (akin to the Delta Force) thwarted many attempted hijacking. Members of this unit are trained in looking and thinking like an Arab. Flight UA 175 (Boston to LA, allegedly hijacked to fly into the south tower) had the Israeli citizen and probable Mossad agent named Alora Avraham. This 27 year old was raised in the Israeli settlement of Ashdod. One surmises that Lewin may not have died, but had some key role in … whatever happened.

On the morning of 9/11, a two-hour advance warning to stay out of the towers was received by the Israeli firm of Odigo, [23] whose Research and Development center is in Herzliya, Israel, a town north of Tel Aviv where Mossad is headquartered. This messaging company, with its office a mere two blocks from the former WTC, received a warning originating from an Israeli branch. One never heard details, but Odigo’s vice president Alex Diamandis said, “The messages said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did – almost to the minute.” Odigo has a feature called “People Finder” which allows a user to send an instant message to a large group based on a common characteristic, such as Israeli nationality, while maintaining user privacy. This is surely the explanation, as to why no Israeli nationals working in the Towers died that morning (there was one who died, but he  was just visiting). “Comverse and Odigo have had a long-standing partnership and together have developed instant communications products and services that we have recently begun to offer to operators around the world,” declared Zeev Bregman, CEO of Comverse [24].

VII. Zionist Neo-Cons and Straussian Jews

Irving Kristol, ‘godfather’ of the Neo-con movement, founded PNAC, the Project for a new American Century. His son William Kristol, worked closely with Richard Perle, and this Jewish duo achieved more than anyone else in erasing the concept of détente – which had traditionally been the policy of the Council of Foreign Relations – and extinguishing hope of any ‘peace dividend’ following the Soviet Union’s collapse. In September 2000 PNAC produced ‘Rebuilding America’s Defences’ which famously called for a permanent war philosophy, Empire, the advancing of the cause of Israel, and the catalyzing event of a new Pearl Harbor’ to make it all possible. The Kristols used their enormous influence prior to 9/11 to promote the concept of Arabs as potential terrorists, then after the event they ensured that the media focused and stayed focussed on Bin Laden and Muslim guilt. The day before the Iraq war began, Kristol bragged in an editorial of his journal The Weekly Standard, that, “obviously we are gratified that the Iraq strategy we have long advocated … has become the policy of the US government’ and a columnist of The Washington Post had once declared the looming conflict to be ‘Kristol’s war.’”[25]

The civilian Defense Policy Board wields more control over the military establishment than the Defense Secretary or the generals and admirals. The notoriously belligerent Perle, nicknamed the “The Prince of Darkness”, was Chairman of this Board. There are a number of other Zionists who served on the board (Kissinger, Cohen, Schlessinger) as well as non-Jewish members who have always supported Israel and the expansion of the “War on Terror”.

Apart from top Jewish Neo-cons Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle as Chairman of the Defense Policy Board, Zionist Paul Wolfowitz as Undersecretary of Defense, and Zionist award winner Douglass Feith as Undersecretary of Defense Policy, the Zionist Pentagon gang controlled 3 of the top 4 civilian leadership positions of America’s armed forces. Others such as Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld were fairly in accord with their drive for WW III. The Perle-Wolfowitz-Feith gang represent a fanatical “government-within-a-government”. And, of course, in league with these Zionist Pentagon conspirators, Jewish Zionist and 2004 Presidential candidate, Senator Joseph Lieberman and his Gentile partner in crime Senator John McCain, would vie for the nation’s highest offices.

Top members of the Bush administration had very close ties with the Israeli government. Every one of the following kingpins of the Bush administration were also Israeli citizens: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith (undersec of Defense), Michael Chertoff, George Tenet (real name: Cohen), Elliot Abrams (NSC), Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak (National security Study Group), Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, and Marc Grossman. Ari Freisher, Press Secretary. Concluded Ruppert, ‘These and other Israeli-connected experts formed the core group at the Project for a New American Century [26]. These are Zionist warmongers who adore and obey Israel and who view America chiefly as Israel’s financial sugar-daddy and mercenary slave. Their aim is global power for the Jews and profits for Jewish bankers and Illuminati-directed oil barons.”

Former Israeli Prime-Minister Ehud Barak well expressed the aim of the enterprise when he said in an interview just days after 9/11: “The whole world has now to start a world war against the enemies of Israel.”[27] But, World War III was not that easy to start! Soon after, Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel ‘the Butcher’ Sharon bellowed at his Cabinet, “I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”[28]

On any reasonable analysis, Dick Cheney, Vice-President of America, has to have been a pivotal 9/11 perpetrator. As Mike Ruppert concluded:

Richard Cheney

“I have absolutely no doubt that on the day of September 11th Richard Cheney was in full and complete control of a properly functioning and parallel command and communications system …”[29].

Cheney sat on the board of JINSA the Jewish Institute for National Security, “probably the most important organization, in terms of its influence on Bush administration policy formation.”[30] Cheney would take leave from JINSA while serving as VP, where his office was “run by aides known to be very pro-Israel.” [31]

The Pentagon set up the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) for fabricating news [32]. A Zionist Air Force General named Simon P. Worden was chosen to head this, his boss being Douglass Feith, another dedicated Zionist who serves as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) honored Feith and his father at an award dinner in 1999. ZOA’s 1997 press release explained: “This year’s honorees will be Dalck Feith and Douglas J. Feith, the noted Jewish philanthropists and pro-Israel activists. Dalck Feith will receive the ZOA’s special Centennial Award at the dinner, for his lifetime of service to Israel and the Jewish people. His son Douglas J. Feith, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, will receive the prestigious Louis D. Brandeis Award at the dinner.” [33]

As the Mayor of New York, Rudolf Giuliani was told in advance to get out of the WTC towers because they were going to fall, on that morning, which shows very privileged treatment. After the event he declared Ground Zero area a ‘crime scene’ and was thus able to prohibit any photos from being taken, but then by swiftly removing all of the steel and having it melted down he demolished the primary evidence for the crime. He had a hard struggle with the firemen, most of whom knew that the towers had been taken down. Since retiring as mayor he has been involved with security companies, and his turning up in London on the morning of July 7th 2005, staying in a hotel right next to the Liverpool Street terror-blast (so he ‘heard’ the blast), is hardly accidental. He a friend of Benjanmin Netenyahu, whom he welcomed while Mayor of New York, and they both turned up in the same hotel on the same morning [34]. Rudolf Giuliani, of course, was Israel’s favorite for the 2008 US presidential election: AIPAC lists and scores all the candidates by their degree of adoration for Israel, and Giuliani was tops – his support for Israel is total and unconditional. Thus, he returned a $10m donation from a Saudi prince, due to the latter making some comment about Israel and 9/11.

In weeks before 9/11, between August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission as Israeli citizens, sold “short” a list of 38 stocks that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks. These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be “in the millions of dollars.” [35] Short selling of stocks involves the opportunity to gain large profits by passing shares to a friendly third party, then buying them back when the price falls. Precedings a traumatic event, it indicates foreknowledge.

The Enemy Within

At 10.30 am on the day of September 11th, the White House received a call, saying “Angel is Next.” Angel was that day’s codeword for Air Force One, then carrying President Bush. The credibility of the message was further established by use of Presidential identification codes [36]. Cheney advised Bush not to return to Washington: “There’s still the threat,” he said [37]. At this point, argues Tarpley, “the sponsors showed their hand. They were not located in a cave in Afghanistan, but were rather a network located high within the US government and military.” [38] The rogue network was then demanding, that a Straussian “war of civilisations” be unleashed: “The principal clue leading us to the existence of the rogue network is the ‘Angel is next’ threat,” which meant it was perpetrated by persons having expertise in, and access, to top military codes. Who could that be? On the September 12th press briefing, Ari Fleisher confirmed that a coded message had been used in threatening Air Force One carrying the President. No fighter planes to escort Air Force One arrived until noon – it took off from Florida at 9.30 am with no protection, flying alone through the skies over those terrible hours! The purpose here could have been to instill fear into the President.

Sometime after that “Angel is Next” threat, President Bush phoned up Ted Olsen, the US’s Solicitor-General, and a few days later Olsen recalled, “We couldn’t speak long. This was during the day of the crisis. And I didn’t – I hadn’t expected him to call, because he is the President of the United States. We know now – he knew then there were thousands of victims and terrible devastation and crisis, and the potential of further dangers to the structure of our government, meaning the institutions of our government and the leadership of our government.” [39] Let’s conjecture that Ted Olsen may have been telling the truth in some degree. People like Olsen and Bush are totally complicit and so are not at liberty to spill the beans later on. But still, they experienced some external manipulating power, which was a threat, or which was intimidating.

The most secret US-government codes were being used by the perpetrators [40], and we are suggesting that it would have been Israeli-based agencies that could do this, using the advanced Promis software [41]. Air Force One flew on that morning from Florida to the Strategic Command centre at Offnut, as Bush’s physical presence there was the only way to counteract the evident betrayal of the secret presidential codes.

That morning, while this threat was being made against the President, the name of Osama Bin Laden was already being broadcast across the airwaves, as the official suspect. All around Planet Earth his name was being linked forever to the Burning Towers. In vain – and unheard – were his protestations that he had had nothing to do with it. The press should have been able to eliminate any conjectures about a mastermind in the Tora Bora mountains without further ado. Let’s listen now to his rather sensible view of who really perpetrated the event, reported on September 28th, as reported in Ummaut, the Urdu-language, Karachi-based Pakistani daily:

‘The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the U.S. system, but are dissenting against it…persons who want to make the present century as a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity … There are intelligence agencies in the U.S., which require billions of dollars worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year. This [funding issue] was not a big problem during the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger. They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usama and Taleban and then this incident happened. You see, the Bush Administration approved a budget of 40 billion dollars. Where will this huge amount go? It will be provided to the same agencies, which need huge funds and want to exert their importance.

Now they will spend the money for their expansion and for increasing their importance. I will give you an example. Drug smugglers from all over the world are in contact with the U.S. secret agencies. These agencies do not want to eradicate narcotics cultivation and trafficking because their importance will be diminished. The people in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. General Noriega was made a drug baron by the CIA and, in need, he was made a scapegoat. In the same way, whether it is President Bush or any other U.S. President, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes. What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.

‘I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the [U.S. Government] system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them…

‘The Western media is unleashing such a baseless propaganda, which surprises us but it reflects on what is in their hearts, and gradually they themselves become captive of this propaganda. They become afraid of it and begin to cause harm to themselves. Terror is the most dreaded weapon in modern age and the Western media is mercilessly using it against its own people.’

The western media have indeed become captive of their own fear-inducing propaganda, as the BBC “Power of Nightmares” series so well documented. How can we break out of this spiral of fear and terror? How can America become aware of its degree of subservience to Israel? There is no more career-terminating topic for US journalists. One could try asking the question, “Is there any criminal act that Israel can do without being protected from criticism from the United States?” [42] One could discuss the brazen Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, with planes and torpedo boats, an attempt to start a US war against Egypt, with LBJ’s connivance – classic false-flag terror. No official protest has been made, nor have reparations been paid. No other nation can attack an American vessel in international waters, killing 34 US Naval servicemen, with impunity [43].

As Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan, stated: “I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.” [44]

Michael Chertoff

When looking at the ‘likely suspects’ CIA, NSA, FBI, etc, one doubts whether any of them would have had the necessary combination of profound intelligence, deep wickedness, capacity for effective action, plus the ability to keep a big secret. One is here reminded of the remark by Richard Clarke in Against All Enemies that it would be ‘pure fantasy’ to suppose ‘that the US government can keep a big and juicy secret’ [45] on such an issue. If it is unthinkable to ordinary Americans that a secret military clique would betray their country in this way, it is doubly unthinkable that a foreign power would be able so to corrupt its centers of power as to mastermind this event: it is this double unthinkability which is the safety-catch, which locks the secret in place, for long enough to get rid of all the evidence. The Neo-Con love affair with Israel has allowed them to do this. Maybe some things did go wrong, maybe Flight 93 was meant to strike WTC-7, had it not been delayed half an hour, we’ll never know. The ‘Axis of Evil’ CIA-Mossad-M16 is so interconnected that we can hardly know which part of it is responsible, when something happens. It is dedicated to Eternal War and works though Untruth.

On September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, The Washington Post would run a story about a report issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies, which had commented thus about Mossad: ‘”Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” After the event the intelligence analyst George Freeman observed: ‘The big winner today, intended or not, is the state of Israel. There is no question that the Israeli leadership is feeling relief.’ [46] The name ‘Mossad’ does not feature in the index of David Ray Griffin’s classic, The New Pearl Harbour, however we may need to understand the Mossad’s way with its katsas and sayanim. It has a mere 30 to 37 case officers called katsas operating at any given time. It is able to function with this low level of core katsas because of a much larger network of volunteer Jewish helpers, the Sayanim, who live outside Israel. Their roles are specific to their professions and they are contacted and activated as required. This system allows the Mossad to work with a skeleton staff. [47] The Mossad has always followed its motto: “By way of deception shall you make war.”

In January 2001, Lyndon Larouche, a well known economist and political figure with worldwide intelligence connections, issued the following insightful prediction:

“A new Middle East war of the general type and implications indicated, will occur if certain specified incidents materialize. It will occur only if the combination of the Israeli government and certain Anglo-American circles wish to have it occur. If they should wish it to occur, the incidents to ‘explain’ that occurrence, will be arranged.” [48]

Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D., historian of science, including articles on Sir Isaac Newton, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, is a founding member of the UK’s 9/11 Truth movement, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and author of 7/7: TERROR ON THE TUBE (3rd edition, 2012)


1. Lucky Larry – Spiegel online, Hamburg, Sep 19, 2001

2. Mike Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon, 2004, p.585, quoting SPC’s website.

3. Ruppert, p.587.

4. They removed it from here:…

5. Thanks to webmaster Stuart Rixon for info.

6. For Zakheim and Flight 77, see

7. 19th April 2006, American Free Press.

8. Laura Knight Jadczyk and Joe Quinn, 9/11The ultimate Truth 2006, p.108

9. For July 7th connections, see:

10. Webster Tarpley, 9/11 SyntheticTerror Made in the USA, 2006, 329.

11. Tarpley, 327.

12. There seem to have been several groups of these Israelis in vans taking photos, at different parts of NewYork.

13. Cameron, Suspected Israeli Spied held by US, Fox News, Dec 11-14, 2001; Tarpley, 328.

14. FOX News. Massive Israeli Spy Operation Discovered in US. Carl Cameron Investigates. Four Part series. December 2001. Google: Israeli spy carl cameron

15. KHOU, Channel 11 (Houston) Federal Buildings Could be in Jeopardy – in Houston and Nationally October 10, 201. Google users enter: israeli art students federal buildings.

16. Jane’s Intelligence Digest, 3/13/02; Palm Beach Post, 3/11/02.

17. ABC Channel 4. (Florida). A Mission To Die For. Rudi Dekkers interviewed by Quentin McDermott. October 21, 2001 Google users enter: rudi dekkers interview.

18. The Free Encyclopedia. Mohammed Atta. Google: atta reported passport stolen

19. A group of Jewish ‘art student’ double-agents lived at 4220 Sheraden Street, Hollywood, Florida, just down the road from where Atta lived at no. 3389: ‘the Israeli network was a nationwide operation based in Florida …[they] lived on the same street in Hollywood, Florida as Mohammed Atta’: Len Bracken, The Shadow government, 9/11 and State Terror, 2004 Ill, p.124.

20. Rowland Morgan, Flight 93 Revealed 2006, p.90.

21. The only site is – and, note how its foreword dissociates itself from any views expressed.

22. CNN. September 11. A Memorial. Google users enter: cnn september 11 memorial

23. Newsbytes/Washington Post. Instant message to Israel warned of WTC attack. September 27, 2001. By Brian McWiliams Google users enter: instant messages Israel warned attack

24. The Jerusalem Post in May 2002, .

25. Michael Collins Piper, The High Priests of War, 2005 Washington DC, p39.

26. Ruppert 254.

27. Le Monde, Sep. 13, 2001.

28. Hebrew Israeli radio station, Kol Yisrael, Oct. 3rd report, during an argument in an Israeli cabinet meeting.

29. Ruppert, 591, also 411.

30. Piper, p.13.

31. Piper, ibid.

32. The New York Times. Pentagon Considers Using Lies. By James Dao & Eric Schmitt. February 18,2001. Google: new york times simon worden osi.

33. Google usues enter: feith zionist organization award

34. wagnews, google: Netanyahu/Giuliani -Same London Hotel on 7/7

35. ‘ISRAELIS were 9/11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC terror strikes.’

36. According to the NewYork Times: Thierry Meyssan The Big Lie 2002 p.44.

37. Bob Woodward, Bush at War, 2003, p.18. This book evades the simple implication of this fact, only making the bland statement, ‘it could mean that terrorists had inside information.’

38. Tarpley, p.286.

39. Olsen interviewed by Larry King, three days after 9/11: Janczyk p131.

40. Thierry Meyssan 9/11 The Big Lie, 2002 (L’Effroyable Imposture), 44.

41. Ruppert Ch 10, re the PROMIS software.

42. Recently-retired U.S. Brigadier General James J. David, in an article entitled “A Passionate Attachment to Israel”

43. On 8 June, during the 6-day War, off the Sinai coast: Peter Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 2003.

44. Google: admiral moorer boggles mind. Paul Findley, They Dare to speak Out, People and Institutions confront Israel’s lobby, 2003.

45. Richard Clarke, Against All Enemies, NY 2004, p.126.

46. His internet website Jadczyk, 110.

47. Jadzcyk, p.118.

48. Executive Intelligence Review. Lyndon Larouche. January 2001. Google: larouche middle east war implications